Female genital mutilation
In the Netherlands, we have been faced with female genital mutilation (FGM) since the beginning of the nineties. This is due to the immigration of women from countries where FGM is common practice.
The fight against FGM is complex and requires a comprehensive and targeted approach. Since 1993, Pharos has been a knowledge and advice centre for the fight against FGM. We have been designated by the Dutch government as a national expertise centre on FGM.

Pharos’ FGM programme focuses on several priorities.
Types | Terminology | Prevalence | Background | Origin and religion | Healh problems
Policy and legislation
Policy and law in Europe | Prevalence worldwide | Organizations and networks
Hotline | Consultation hours for women | Zero Tolerance Day FGM
Model protocols | Position Statements | Prevention materials | Education materials | E-learning FGM